You know what love is when you do not have to speak to fill an uncomfortable void of silence; when you’re overwhelmed with sorrow and he encourages you to weep into his chest hair, snot and all; when you experience that famous spark with each kiss and caress; when you wake up in the morning, rollover, gaze into his eyes and feel invincible; when every piece of insight he offers is genuine and he never ceases to leave the conversation without your smile first; when you suffer from crippling anxiety, but he holds your head in his hands and whispers that he will be there for you “Every step of the way”; when you lay awake with him until 3a.m. laughing at the crazed world we live in; when he always manages to think of something that makes your heart melt a little; when you look at all the other companions you have had in your life and shake your head because there is no comparison; when you grow to appreciate his family and pets as your own; when you are weightless from the accumulation of every random compliment; when you feel so sexy that no Victoria’s Secret model could top your confidence; when others ask about your relationship and you can think of no other word but “Perfect”; when you stumble into conflict but are able to talk it out, successfully avoiding raised voices; when you fit into their embrace like a puzzle piece; when, together, you belt your hearts out in the car to the same song; when you can show your truest self – that is how you know what love is.
Eden, 18, has always enjoyed creative writing. Since elementary school, she has felt inspired to openly express the deep emotions that cross her path, but has been too fearful of judgment. With a task of finding inspiration from one of the most magnificent persuasive writers in history, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., she decided to finally publish one of her own works. Currently, she is studying Ecological Restoration and is excited to see how she can better incorporate creative writing into her field and future.
Proud proud proud. You are amazing.
Well explained, Eden. Your kind and loving personality shines through.