By Ryan Novak


I’ve seen the stars from the mountain tops

Free of all but their light

I still love the stars from below


I’ve swam in the world’s largest lake

I felt the kiss upon my skin

Lower St. Regis still excites me


I dove from cliffs in Sicily

Cliffs from Odyssian tales

My heart soared and fluttered

I still love the rope swing


I’ve walked along the shores of Hawaii

I felt the embrace of sand and waves

I still love presidents point


I dove in sunken caves of Okinawa

Overjoyed as I discovered new worlds

I still love each discovery made


At Mt. Fuji I stared at the sky

The wind ran her fingers through my hair

I still love the breeze by the willow


On the day I awoke here

I felt in my heart

The love was there from the start