I use my property, in Edmeston NY (30 miles south of Utica, in Central NY) for an annual golden eagle migration study. Golden eagles are monitored, in the winter months, from NY down to Virginia, by volunteers in rural areas. We keep track of the birds with a trail camera at a bait site (the bait is road-killed deer). If an eagle visits consistently, we call in a licensed NYS DEC trapper, who sets up a trap box, using a net activation system. The bird is then fitted with a solar powered telemetry unit to track its location. This GPS transponder sends information (location, etc) back to a computer data base. The golden eagles typically start heading back north to their nesting grounds in February or and March (if they are going to Canada). Although golden eagles nested in the eastern United States in the past, I do not believe there are any, currently. I believe there were goldens in the Adirondacks back in the days of heavy logging and forest fires. DSCF2874


Richard George (the one in the PSC hat):

Born in Utica NY

PSC class of 81 – Forestry

MVCC – Civil Engineering Tech, Class of 84

Worked for McCarthy Building Companies for 25 years. Positions: Project Engineer, Superintendent, Manager. Worked at projects all over the US, primarily building hospitals and laboratories.

Retired since 2009