By Casey Young

In this edition of “Would You Rather,” I asked students if they would rather have their biggest wish fulfilled or have their biggest regret undone. The question was heavier than I had anticipated. It took almost everyone a few minutes to answer and some people even asked to get back to me on it. Personally, I’d definitely choose my biggest wish. Although somewhat self-attainable, I can’t bring myself to take the steps to get there, therefore it would be easier to to wish it into my life.

The people who agreed with me had reasonings such as:

“I wouldn’t change anything that happened in my life because it led me exactly to where I am today.”

“My biggest wish is something I can’t do on my own, so I would love nothing more for that to happen.”

While I found most people I asked felt the same way, others did wish they could rid themselves of their biggest regret. I got minimal reasonings from the regret side, but there were some valid explanations:

“The only reason I would choose to undo my biggest regret is to undo the damage that it caused.”

“I can achieve my dream on my own, so I would definitely undo my biggest regret.”

For every person I questioned, I saw a moment of reflection. A contemplation of their life, regrets, and wishes. Which was more important, and which they wanted more. The one person who chose neither seemed to have one of the best answers.

“You should be content with everything in your life leading up to where you are, and work every day to make your dreams a reality.”

So with that, I hope you realize your regrets make you who you are, and you always strive to make your dreams come true.

Casey is an editor for the Apollos. You can check out her bio here.