Hello Paul Smith’s Community,
The Peer Educators want to inform you that April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Also, Wednesday, April 27th, 2016 is Denim Day. This day was established 17 years by an organization called Peace over Violence. Ever since, people all over the world have dedicated this day to honoring sexual assault victims and survivors.
History of Denim Day: In 1999 there was a controversial ruling by the Italian Supreme Court. The court overturned a rape conviction simply because the woman was wearing tight jeans when she was raped. The court’s reasoning rested on the belief that it would have been impossible for the attacker to remove the jeans by himself, therefore implying consent. Enraged by the verdict, women of the Italian parliament wore jeans to work the next day in solidarity.
In honor of the victims and survivors of sexual assault, please wear jeans or teal (official color of sexual assault awareness) on Denim Day (April 27th, 2016).
My name is Desiree Stumpf and I am from Chateaugay, NY. This is my third year as a Wildlife student. I also have two minors: Biology and Sustainability. I am a peer leader, teacher assistant for FYS, and a peer educator. As a peer educator we create a lot of great programs – please go to them! In my free time I like to binge-watch shows, watch Leonardo DiCaprio movies, and hang out with friends.