Class Excuses
Student Health Services does not provide excuses for routine health matters that may lead to missed classes, labs, exams, or deadlines. This policy is similar to that of many other colleges and universities.
Most illnesses and injuries seen in Health Services are of an acute and relatively minor nature. As a result, Health Services encourages students to make their own decisions regarding attending class and to communicate their decision to Faculty as soon as possible. We consider this part of a broader effort to teach responsible health behaviors and to advocate for oneself when it comes to physical and mental health matters.
The College expects that students will be candid with Faculty regarding their ability to complete work, and Faculty are expected to work with students on these issues. Staff in the Center for Academic and Career Success (CACS) are available to help students or Faculty members who have concerns about attendance issues.
While written/emailed excuses for routine health issues will not be provided, the following may apply:
- Health Services will, at the student’s request, email Faculty confirming that the student visited the clinic for a health reason. The reason will not be included in the email. The email will merely confirm the student visited the clinic at a particular time.
- On occasion, the college’s medical providers may provide a written excuse for a condition deemed significant enough to stay home for at least two full days. This is at the provider’s discretion.
- If an absence is related to a medical emergency, Health Services will assist with Faculty notification.
Finally, Faculty who require “excused absences” for their classes are the ones who determine whether or not the absence is considered excusable. Professors and instructors should not instruct students to obtain a note/email excusing them from class as Health Services does not provide such documentation, except as noted above.
Contact Us »
Heather Allard
Student Wellness Coordinator
Christine Brennan, RN BSN
Director of Health Services